
Showing posts from July, 2020

Lap Pool open!

It has been open since June 22. I've been in 10 times or so. One person per lap lane. 45 minutes to swim, then leave so they can clean for the next group. The lanes never fill at 1630 and 1730. I had unrelenting cramps at 25 minutes. Front of the calves. (tibialis anterior muscle on both sides) I stopped doing breast stroke, and just worked on the upper body freestyle.  Also skipped butterfly. At my age (63) I don't think about swimming 25 yards very quickly, though often the other swimmers' activity levels make me look fast.  When a serious swimmer half my age gets and vaporizes the water, it can't be a problem. I just know who I am and change the drill or stroke so I can focus. I don't want to chase. I can't catch most of them anyway.